Line Guide Blackmore Vale CRP 2019 (711 downloads )
Our Line Guide is packed full of ideas for great days out on the Blackmore Vale Line and we hope it will be useful to you. It’s designed to be interactive and you can scan QR codes for videos about the area, access website information and find books to read.
Paul Blowfield has taken a great many of the images you see in this guide including the lovely cover shot with Sherborne Old Castle in the background— not an easy image to achieve if you knew where he had to stand! Thanks Paul.
Thanks to our great bunch of photographers and to everyone who has contributed words and help.
Richard Barker (SWR), Amy Brice, Jonathan Brown, Richard Burningham, Anne Dibble, Gail Coleshill, John Coleshill, Norman Crabb, Patrick Duffy, Paul Gould, Lizzie Graham, Doug Green, Gillian Gunner, Gryphon School, Brian Haigh, Andrew Harrowell (SWR), Julie Hawkins, Christine Hillman, Peter Hillman, Ione Lacey, Sheila Messer, Jenny Pope, Mark Lewis, Katy Menday, Clare Ratcliffe, Tony Reese, Belinda Ridout, Billy Rowland, Caroline Rowland, Jenny Saunders (SWR), David Seares, Jane Smith, Bev Stapp, Jonathan Stone and Dan Wright.
Designed by Zoe Moxham
Thanks to South Western Railway for funding this guide.