Blackmore Vale Line Community Rail Partnership (BVCRP)
The Blackmore Vale Line CRP is a Department of Transport accredited regional partnership based in the west country made up of local people, station groups, statutory and voluntary organisation and businesses. All working with the same aim and goals to stimulate the regional economy, championing green travel by train and bus, increasing community involvement in the railway and building great links between stations and destinations. We currently have two Town Teams set up in Sherborne and Gillingham in Dorset where you can find out more about us in our dedicated spaces at the stations. Membership is open to all interested in promoting and achieving these core aims. The rail partnerships receives core funding only. The wide range of projects, events and initiatives delivered, achieved through hard work, determination, successful funding bids and sponsorship. New partners and sponsors always welcome.
What We Do
Þ Bring investment to the area maximizing its benefit by working
in partnership with othersÞ Promoting the railway and green, sustainable travel
Þ Increasing communityinvolvement in our stations
Þ Building wider community links between station and location
Þ Championing regional recognition of volunteering
Þ Showcasing what’s on offer to potential rail users and visitors
Stations in Bloom, devised and delivered by Blackmore Vale Line CRP, is an industry recognised campaign celebrating station volunteering across the railway in South West England. The annual regional awards ceremony sponsored by the premier west country business The Gardens Group – Castle Gardens, Sherborne.