If you have ever waited in the cold and wind for a taxi or a lift at the station you will know how unpleasant it can be. Now thanks to hard work from the Friends of Crewkerne Station, their liaison with Richard Kempton of South West Trains and the generosity of Waitrose customers there is a seat and shelter outside the building where passengers can wait out of the worst of the weather. The Friends of the Station surveyed their members about what better facility people would like at the station and there was a majority view that a seat and shelter at the front of the station would be the best. The Friends are very grateful to the customers at Waitrose who put their green tokens in the Friends box as it enabled them to match fund with South West Trains for the seat and shelter.
Stations Manager Glen Hatherley said “I found myself outside the station once waiting for a taxi for hours in freezing wet weather so I am personally very pleased to see the seat with shelter.
Tony Reese, Chairman of FOCS commented: “We are so pleased to see the seat and shelter here and grateful to Richard Kempton South West Trains Community Liaison Officer, for all the effort he put into negotiations with other departments of SWT to get them installed.”
Store Manager, Matt Foxwell, cut the ribbon on the shelter on behalf of Waitrose and its customers. Waitrose Stores allocate £1000 each month to local charities and community groups and the funds are divided up according to the wishes of customers who put green tokens into the box for the group of their choice.
Gail Coleshill, Secretary, Friends of Crewkerne Statio www.crewkernetown.org/friendsofcrewkernestation
6 Ashland Court, Crewkerne TA18 7AP telephone 01460 75341 mobile 07811657798